


Why Work Together?

Let us work together to make a difference and also raise the collective spirit. The purpose of WTG is to enable all Muslims in New Zealand to cooperate, progress and contribute physically, socially and economically to the New Zealand society through a system of working together that is based on principles of unity, consultation, justice, equality and accountability as revealed in the Holy Quran and practised by the final prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

What is WTG?

WTG is an initiative inviting the New Zealand Muslim community (and the wider community in certain shared projects) to a unity platform to work together for the good of society.

Why do we need a WTG initiative?

To unite the Muslim community to share their effort in achieving greater success in the Community. A community, which has a common direction will have better utilisation of its human and material resources and will avoid duplication and wastage.

What are the objectives of WTG?

To establish a unity platform that is inclusive of all Muslims living in New Zealand. To establish a system of cooperation that is based on Islamic principles. To support existing Muslim groups involved in welfare work. To establish new services which are required in the community. To plan and prioritise the services in the Muslim community. To improve the Muslim community’s contribution to the welfare of New Zealand. To better utilise the vast human potential, skills and resources.

How can WTG achieve its objectives?

Having grassroots people on the unity platform to work together on essential community projects. It is quality that will strengthen the platform for greater success.

What are the benefits of WTG?

A united, progressive and prosperous Muslim community that achieves greater success and contribute to the betterment of New Zealand.

Who controls WTG?

Representatives from the grassroots people. The authority to adopt a direction and approve a project is with the people. Decision making is based on shura (consultation).

Is WTG exclusive?

WTG is inclusive of all Muslims irrespective of race, gender, age, colour, ethnicity and minor differences in believe practices. It is not bound by sect or ethnicity but rather by the boundaries of Islam.

How can WTG achieve Shura?

By getting all community members (grass-root people) to have an input on the future plans and projects of the WTG. The internet convenience will greatly facilitate this vital process.

Is WTG for organisations or for individuals?

WTG is for all Muslim individuals and organisations.

How will I benefit from WTG?

You will be part of the united platform fulfilling your obligation to ALLAH, Almighty. You will actively contribute towards the welfare of the community. Your recognition, accomplishments and reward will be in the life after.

What roles can I play in WTG?

Your role is determined by your involvement, dedication and application of your skills.

How will organisations benefit from WTG?

Organisations on this unity platform will benefit from greater co-ordination, sharing of various resources and greater exposure to the wider community.

What is the long-term goal of WTG?

To achieve a united community that has a shared vision, that is focussed in its direction and upholds the straight path.

How can my work in WTG be recognised?

We will celebrate your achievements but the final credit is the acceptance that, “Whoever does good will be for himself.”

How will WTG function?

Guidelines are based on the Holy Quran and practises of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH), as he said: ‘I have left amongst you the Quran and my practice, if you hold on to it, you would never go astray after me’. As it is a system that is inclusive to all Muslims, WTG will deliver the service in consultation (shura) with the community. Your skills, knowledge and time devoted to one of WTG's projects will enhance its effectiveness and progress. The teams are engaged in doing good. You can work from home or join the active teams of WTG in their projects. WTG requires both male and female, young and old, those in the workforce and the rich experience of the retired.

What is the outcome of WTG?

A unified, positive and cooperative Muslim community in New Zealand. The Muslim community will take greater care of its needy individuals and families and offer greater guidance to the younger generation. It will also play an active role in contributing positively towards the wider community in New Zealand.

How can I become part of WTG?

Contact the team at WTG. We are waiting to welcome you as a team member. Get in touch with the Working Together team (WTG) by sending us an email to info@wtg.org.nz



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